Thursday, June 16, 2011

Garlands garlands garlands

Yes. On my fabulous rainy day off (While Joe's at work) I am eating pizza, watching campy, movies, and making GARLANDS! 200 ft of garland to be exact. For the main tent.. 10 yards down already in about 3 hours, not too bad. Will post vague, artsy photos later. Tomorrow I have an interview for a promotion at work. Here's to hoping!

On another note, I appreciate the comments posted. The "Pirate Wedding" suggestion was taken in to serious consideration, but ultimately over ruled, as an eye patch for me and a wooden leg for Joe proved to be more complicated than it seemed. However Indy and April are disappointed because they were so excited about wearing beaks made out of party hats (To be parrots). Sorry, Anonymous! Good suggestion, though!

Everything else is going very smoothly and relaxed, though (aside from some maid of honor issues-- Now there will be my sisters and Ila), thanks to tons of help from all of the parents and family. Thank you guys, hopefully an open bar and free food will be an adequate repayment. Haha, but seriously thank you all so much!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Decorations, cookies, and wedding bands, oh my!

These last few weeks have been filled with more decoration making and LOST marathons. Needless to say, there's been a lot going on ;). We've both been looking at bands, and really REALLY looking forward to finally being married. I'm sketching up some decorating ideas and it's shaping up to be a magical time. We can't wait to see you all :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oh hey... It's May..

I really wish the wedding would get here, already! All this suspense is killin' me! I've had to find a way to satiate my need to be a Burnett (temporarily) by baking cookies for the wedding! I'm making about 10 doz. tonight to freeze. Pretty exciting stuff, I hope Joe and I don't end up eating too many haha

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Oh man. This new job I have at Bernina is really paying off! I got some vintage handkerchiefs from a friend and I personalized them with our names and the wedding date on a lovely 730E machine. It only took me about 6 hours to embroider 100 handkerchiefs! And they look lovely!! If that's not value, I don't know what is!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Italian Suits

So Mr. Burnett and I went to Micheal's the other day. It's an upscale men's store in the crossroads that has been there for over 100 years! Woah! And might I say, it was awesome. The staff were REALLY knowledgeable and I think that's where we're going to buy Joe's suit. They have a really phenomenal deal where, at the end of the season, they give 20% off everything AND free tailoring. Joe tried on a few different Italian wool suits (and looked really handsome in them, of course.) Unfortunately, they were all either blue, grey, or black. Are brown suits tacky now? It may just be an out of season color maybe? Anyway we're waiting a few weeks for the spring collection to come in so we can take another gander. We're also thinking about getting a nice Stetson for him. Either way, things are shaping up to be classy!

We're also thinking about catering. Simple but manageable/ inexpensive: A pasta bar with different shapes of noodles, some fancy sauces, and meat options/ topping options with like a salad or something? What do you think? I think dressed up, it'll be really nice.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Well cheese and rice.

Hello! We're still here. Yes. I have since been hired and fired from a seasonal position. I joked with Joe about how we can just have kids NOW so I wont have to work. That's how this works... right?

Just kidding.

I've officially picked out bridesmaid dresses! Yay!!



Only they'll be pink. And I'm also thinking a ribbon sash with either a bow or something sparkly...

The house is coming along nicely, I'm utilizing this unemployment time to finish projects and begin refinishing the basement (by refinishing at this point I mean making it usable, and putting a small studio down there.

All in all I'm very optimistic about finding another job. I'm going to try and freelance and see how that goes, and we're starting a nice little nest egg for our wedding fund! Yay!

Things Joe and I have decided on with the wedding:
Bridesmaids, (I've asked mine already: Allison Spalter is MOH, Alexis and Sarah (my sisters) and Ila Medlin!) I hope they're as excited as I am!
Groomsmen (TBA. He hasn't asked them yet!)
Dresses for bridesmaids
Table decorations
Some decor

Things Joe and I are thinking about:

Writing our own vows
Bargain hunting for Invitations
Catering (suggestions are appreciated. It's a shame how limited Fairfield is!!)
Honeymoon (vital, I know)
Everything else!!

Ah, yes. Life is good and all we can do is stay positive and forward-thinking!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Hey all, sorry about the lack of updating, but Allison (MoH) and I have really got the ball rolling in September. My dress is bought, veil bought. Thanks, Mama! Allison and I whipped out all of the Save the Dates, all that needs to be left is putting the labels on and sending 'em out!! We have a lot of stuff pinned down, and all for under $300!

That number includes:
Plates and napkins (the kind I actually WANTED, not a compromise!)
Some other reception misc. stuff

Some stuff to be on the look out for if you find any:
-Regular-sized mason jars or jam jars, if you know of someone that has a bunch, we'll probably pick them up closer to the wedding date. We need around 100-120.
- clear jars with stems... Sort of like punch bowls with stems and lids? Not sure what they are called but we need around 5 or 6.
-A good price on small succulents. We need about 50, so if anyone knows any place that has the succulents in the little clay pots (aprox. 5 inches including pot) and
-A really, really good price for "floating teardrop" tea light holder. I'm thinking of trying US toy or a party store. Even the dime store in Brookside.
-Oh! And some summery quilts, which we will be hanging throughout. The bigger the better. Size Queen and up.

Here are some things (including the dress, which I look better in [the model is TOO SKINNY!]) that I was looking at for inspiration.