Sunday, April 25, 2010

Painting and finishing touches

Hello! Sorry it's been a minute since our last post. We've both been so so busy with school, work, and the house. All of the floors are finished, and now we're just painting and putting things back together. Unfortunately, our basement flooded (luckily nothing was down there!). We had AB May come out and take a look, however, he said that there was something (probably a root) that broke the pipe, so when it rains the water just floods back through the pipe and in to our basement! Yuck! Good news is, it's the city's problem because it's so close to the curb, so we (theoretically) don't have to pay a dime! Yay! And they'll pay for our ruined hot water heater... Probably. This weekend we've had painting parties and the whole house is really beginning to look like ours. The paint and new floors really open the rooms up and it looks so cozy and wonderful, even with debris everywhere and none of our furniture! Since I've been spending all of my time revamping the house, I've fallen behind on my schoolwork. Fortunately, Joe and I have wonderful friends who have been helping us a LOT so I can get caught up quickly. Everybody's help and time put in is invaluable to us. A BIG thank you to our painters and Pergo floor experts:
Allison Spalter
Adam Latz
Alex Dunsford
Ila Medlin
Dan Wetteroff
Nick Yeats
Thank you guys so so much and I hope this stuff will get done today!!

P.s. Little John is finishing the plumbing on Tuesday. Yaay!!

Friday, April 9, 2010


I never thought I would be this excited about floors. We're being super DIY for sure. All of the estimates we got on refinishing the real hardwood floors in the house were close to $2000, which is waaay too much. However, Allison and I went to home depot and if we do it ourselves, refinishing the floors AND buying that puzzle-piece nice hardwood laminate will be under $500... WHAT? Awesome! Also, Allison and I are juuust about finished tiling the kitchen floor. It looks so much better. Pictures to come.

Our newest addition