Tuesday, March 2, 2010

On the house

Ok, so what's going on now is that we have been switched to another loan officer.
Here's Why:
When we signed the buyer's contract, we faxed it over to the seller's agent for them to sign. We did this on the 18th of February. In that contract, we were all set to close on the house on March 4th. Obviously, that isn't happening. Our Realtor, Pam K, JUST got a call back from them TODAY. The were hanging on to the contract, God knows why. They assumed that we could continue with the loan process with a purely verbal agreement, which is not true. Our previous loan officer, Andy, who was with US bank can only go forward with the loan if we have a fully signed (including seller agent) contract. Once he has said contract, he will then take 30- 45 days to process the loan. This would be ok, since Joe nor I are going anywhere, however the Seller said that would take too long and we couldn't get the house if it took 30 days. So we need to go with another loan officer. We are now going with MidAmerican Mortgage who will take only 1-2 weeks to process the loan.
Here's Why:
U.S. Bank is a huge corporation who has a whole bunch of rules and time contingencies written in to their contracts. However, MidAmerican Mortgage is a small company and can therefore treat us like people, not numbers, and can expedite things.
Ok! Phew! Got to get back to work. We appreciate that you understand we are busy with the house, wedding planning, graduating college, applying for college, getting jobs, packing up our apartment, dealing with the truck, etc. Again, we will both keep you updated on this blog. So please, when we talk to you on the phone we want to hear how things are going with YOU.

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